Monday, October 24, 2011

The Money Masters and Who Shot JR?????

      This is a painting of my Aunt Maude's house at  the turn of the century.  I have a lot of memories of that house when I was a kid.  The very first painting I ever did was of that house.  Their was a barn up on the hill behind it.  We would sit in the top, at the back of it at night, and down the hill on the back side was the dirt race track.  In the 60's you could hear um all over the country side.  I only got to go to the race a couple times.  The best seat was in Aunt Maude's barn you could see everything from up there.  When we actually went we came home covered in red dust.  Red mud all over our shoes and in the car, paints and cloths.  Today their NasCar has nothing on that dirt track, they never even stopped for rain.  No that was when the race really was good, and from the barn we were dry.  
      This was a great place to be a kid.  There was two or three old cars from the 1930's with bullet holes all in them.  Look like Bonnie and Clyde's, or maybe Dillinger's cars.  Farm family is where I come from.  Not farms like out west who feed the whole country.  Farm family, that we would go to Aunt Maud's house and the woman sit around a table and snap beans.  I can hear her lace up black shoes on the wood floors. Her stockings down around her ankles, clomp, clomp, clomp.  I'm not sure but this kitchen I think, was her back porch at one time.  It had a small bathroom to the left, as you came in the back door,  and the kitchen was to the right.  There was a big sink, with the old hand pump.  The sink was deep enough to wash a whole bushel of corn.  
      In my minds eye, I can still see her out the field of corn right beside her house.  She is bent over at the waist, stocking around her ankles, watering the corn with a cup.  A cup, and a bucket of water, giving each stalk a drink.  If it was Sunday, then we were at Aunt Maude's house.  My Grandmother, running a knife down ears of corn.  That's cream corn, green beans, a chicken frying, and home made biscuits.  The only time we were aloud in the house was to eat, or the weather was bad.  
      The table always had a table cloth, and the silverware was silver.  The rooms all had coal stoves, and the lights were just a single bulb hanging from the center of the ceiling.  It was dark in the house even in the middle of the day.  In the hall, and in the living room, was a Victrola, and 78 records.  A hall run the middle of the house, out on to the front porch.  Out there was a porch swing, and some oak rocking chairs.  All the pictures on the walls had bubble glass, and were from, like the first camera ever made. 
       Now, about 3 miles down Jones Mill Road is the mill.  Papa Jones, house sat up on a hill and down by the creek was the Grit's Mill.  My uncle Jim Jones lived there, and it was another house where you had to play outside.  Now, just like Aunt Maude's house it had a long drive way up to the house.  I didn't realize at the time, but the stage coach line ran up close to the houses.  It was when they cut the black top road, they straighten it out.  My Great Grandpa had to buy land from the man across the street, to get to his mailbox.  
      I thought every one was so old.  They wore dresses they must have made, and their shoes black leather.  A working out house, us kids had to use, part of the staying out side thing.  Grandma would say we were to be seen, and not heard.  No talking at the dinner table at all, or the back of a spoon across your knuckles.  Coming in all black in your Sunday best cloths, from playing in the coal bend.  
     You know that was not really that long ago.  The world sure has change though.  "Occupy Wall Street", all over the news.  "Occupy Government",  "Occupy Earth", how did we let just a few smart bankers do this.  This place and this town called Fountain Inn, is more than just paintings.  
       Just like this old buckboard, and that old dirt track, it is gone.  How is it that all of this has happened in so short of a time.  Back then $50.00 was a lot of money, now every one wants to be a millionaire.  I watched at first when these young people started protesting and none of it was getting into the news.  TV stations, news papers, no one was talking.  I started asking questions, and not getting answers.  
      Now, there is nothing that will stir me up more, than to ignore me.  Or worse tell me it is nothing, when I know it's something.  I started looking into this "Occupy" mess.  After about three weeks it finally was put on the TV news.  Nothing but a bunch of college kids that want the American people to pay for their college loans, won't get a job, and just want to draw unemployment.  None of these protesters even know what they want.  They are not organized.  This could be nothing farther from the truth.
      Now, just when we started realizing that Democrats and Republicans have been doing nothing but disagree on everything.  The Republicans have put the entire country out of work, trying to get Obama out of the White House.  These young people, occupying Wall Street, and they are not just young people.  It is not just in NY City any more either.  It is all over the country, the news has to notice now.  So, what can we do?  I started researching how it is that corporate America got so powerful.  In order to fix it, we need to know what broke it to start with.
      Why is it there is a news black out?  It is not just this occupy wall street thing.  Think about the fact there is no Watergate stories. Viet-Nam was in the news every night, and we have soldiers coming home with missing arms and legs, and none of it on TV.  Then all of a sudden I got the answers I was looking for, in a 3 1/2 hour video on you tube.  It was called "Money Masters", and like who shot JR, things started making sense.  Hell I figured out who shot JFK, Abraham Lincoln, and what caused the great depression.  
    "Money Masters"  You would think if some thing like this is on you tube, every body would know about it.  Then after you see it, and learn the truth, why hasn't someone fixed it long time ago.  I don't, but I know now, it just might be to late.  Is it that our presidents, congress, all of them are apart of it.  Have they pulled the cash out of the economy, caused banks to fail, and sent our jobs away, just to show how powerful they are.  I was wondering how in the world China even got our debt.  The money changers.  The only thing that made Jesus lose his temper was the money changers.  The Knights Templar, started banking.  The masters of money, own the whole world.  There is no Gold in Ft. Knox.  With interest, and credit, they have indebted the United States.  They wiped out Russia's economy, and by using China's cheap labor, the US will follow.  
      There is a way to stop this if it is not to late.  The first thing we need to do is bring back Abraham Lincoln's greenback's.  If our government can issue bonds, it can issue cash.  CASH that is interest free.  Use these newly created cash notes to pay off the debt.  2nd and the most important, abolish fractional reserve banking.  As the debt is paid off, the reserve requirements of all banks and financial institutions would be raised proportionally at the same time.  To absorb the new cash notes.  And 3rd, a bill, or act, was put threw congress, and signed by the president, with out most of congress even there, they were on Christmas break.  This was the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.   After abolishing the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and the National Banking Act of 1864, we must never let this happen again.  Now, finally we must withdraw the United States from the IMF, the BIS, and the World Bank.  
      Considering that these people who are running our country have been at it 100 years, I don't think they are just going to let us stop them that easy.  Look at how Moammar Gadhafi, or Osama Bi Laden died. You know now that being Democratic or Republican doesn't make any difference any more, they both have sold us out.  If we are lucky enough to find a few honest people to put in Congress.  Think about the fact they robbed Ft. Knox right under our noses.  Another depression is possible if they so wish it.  We must have our own interest free cash notes.  We have to have someone not afraid of assassination, and figure out how to protect them, if we find them.
      No just making a bunch of signs and sitting in some park is not going the undo what has been done.  I hope the country is prepared to go threw what it will take to fix it.  If it is not to late.  

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