Chocolate, Who doesn't love Chocolate. Chocolate is a word that should always be capitalized. As a matter of fact, Chocolate should be written in bold letters. If you are in trouble with your wife, Chocolate. Girl friends is letting the answer machine take her calls, Chocolate. If they are both made at you, lots of Chocolate. If you want to make every one in your home, happy. Here is some serious bowl licking.
Pound cake is one of my favorite. It is not real sweet, yet it satisfies the sweet tooth. A chocolate cake is even better. Why it has not hit the Blog yet I don't know, but here it is. As always put your margarine sticks in your mixing bowl, and let sit while you get every thing ready. This is one of the times a little flour on your face is not necessary, this is going to take some time to make. The flour on the face is possible though. Today's flour doesn't need sifting, but that lets you know this recipe is old. It comes out of "The Box".
We have our bowl out and put 3 cups of Flour, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 cup of cocoa.
After stirring well with you wooden spoon, we get our bowl with the margarine. We are going to keep these 2 bowls separate. Setting the one with the flour to the side, out of the way. We put the one with the margarine in the microwave for about 10 to 15 seconds, or soft not melted. If you set it out early you don't have to nuke it. To this bowl put in 3 cups of sugar, and measure out Crisco.
We measure out 1 cup of Crisco, and mix with mixer until fluffy. Get out another bowl, and 5 eggs. this small bowl is to crack your eggs in one at a time. I'm not sure the reason why, except when you got eggs on the farm, they some times had blood in them. Plus it makes mixing easier. Put in 2 teaspoons vanilla.

Here is where it gets fun. Crack one egg at a time crack into small bowl. Put 1 cup of milk in measuring cup, and your bowl of flour, and cocoa mixture, all ready. We are going to add 1 egg, a little mixture, and a little milk and mix well. We are going to do this with all 5 eggs, one at a time. A little milk, a little flour, cocoa mix.
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This next part, get out the cake pan with a hole in it. Now when I was young we bought groceries and brought them home in brown paper bags. Grandma would cut out the circle, with brown paper. We will use wax paper. This is so the cake will come out of the pan.
Now I folded my wax paper twice, and cut a 1/2 circle out of the corner to make the opening. This does not have to be perfect. Spray the inside with vegetable oil, and now I have made this cake as easy as I can, with pictures. The most important part is coming up. Who gets to lick the bowl?
Pre-heat you oven to 325 degrees. Not 350, most of the cooking we do is at 350, do not make this mistake that we did. The cake turned out good, and still moist. Just to let you know we make mistakes too. It turns out fine. A matter of fact, one of the best cakes my mother ever made, fail. Us kids playing and all. When the cake goes in the oven, no jumping up and down, or slamming doors. The cake will fall. Do not peak or open door to oven for 1 hour. Cooking time is 1 1/2 hour stick in tooth pick to check if done.
Peel the wax paper off, and let cool. Put on some coffee, or pour a glass of milk. After about 15 minutes or so have a slice of heaven while it is still warm. Chocolate Pound Cake now your new favorite.
I will leave you with one last picture. Please as always share this with a friend, cake taste better when you share it. Share this Blog with as many as you can too, and click on a few ads. Become a follower of Charles Kenneth's Corner, and collect recipes to put in your "The Box". Thank-you every one.
wow, that looks so delicious! great job Charles!