Friday, July 22, 2011

Art, for art sake

     Not sure what to post today to top yesterdays post, it is still making me hungry thinking about it.
I'm always surprised at some of the art I come up with.  Like this picture, just scribbled on a piece of paper, ended up on t-shirts.  Some of the best ideas just happened.  When I sit down at my desk and try to come up with something, I'm still sitting there days later.
     I really enjoy the inter net.  I can look at all the other artist's art they post.  A lot of what I see, is what I call non-objective art, or non-representational art.  Which just means that it makes no attempt to look like any thing in real life, or even the illusion of reality.  There is so much of it, some is good, very good.  Then others, I see they have large inventory's of paintings.  They must not sale that good.  Myself, I'm more a realist. 

Now, don't get me wrong.  Imagination I admire very much, just wish I had more of it.  My brother is a surrealist, and the things, artist like him come up with, just amaze me.
This one here is done by my brother.  It is t-shirts, cards, posters, and even a video on you tube.  Just look for Steve Hester, or stev0 on you tube.
This is the B/W drawing I'll use as a template to make the color version. Visit my web site http://steve-hester.artistwebs​ or contact me for posters...
Something I read in art history; about what is real art, and is there a scale to rate art.  Now, we have computer art, but I think back to Pablo Picasso's Bulls Head.  Nothing more than a seat and the handle bars of a bicycle he cast in Bronze.  It sits in Galerie Louise Leiris, in Paris.  You never really know when it comes to art.
     One of these days, some one might be willing to put one of mine up for the world to see.  But that is not why I do it.  Nor is it the reason my brother does.  IT , what ever it is, is some thing that just has to come out.  I lose sleep over some paintings, I get head aches from others, and still have no idea what IT is.


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