It was brought to my attention this morning when a Facebook friend said;
"My brushes will not work right today, so I think I'll punish them and put away for a few days."
My reply was that it is not the brushes, but the minds eye was not working. When an artist, or any one else who is involved in something is distracted the work suffers. Have you ever noticed that you lose all track of time, while painting, reading a book, or sewing for that matter. That is the place your creativity comes from. When you look at some thing, and really see it. Your brush,or should I say your hand, will follow your minds eye. Myself, I just get up, and walk around my chair once, or twice. It is not the brushes fault. Try really looking a something. Pick it up, turn it over, really look at. Then set it down. You will see it differently.
When a painter, makes lots of drawings of a subject before painting it. He is seeing it. The more drawings, the better he sees it. Then the better the painting will be in the end. If a painter can't see the subject in his minds eye, he has not truly seen what he it trying paint, and will fail.
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