"The Box"
One of the Grandchildren was over last week, and had nerve to say when Grandma dies that is mine! "Haaa", I told her to get in line. When I was young I told mom, I'm never getting married, teach me how to cook. Well at 18 I was in the army, and married. My new wife was Japanese-American, my high school sweetheart. Good thing I had learned to cook, because she couldn't. Kids today have the inter-net, but not, "The Box". Inside "The Box" is the recipe to ugly biscuits that have been know to be hard as a rock.
today you buy frozen biscuits in the frozen food department. No Hardy's biscuits, the only fast food was McDonald's 15 cent hamburgers, or White castle, but no biscuits. You had to make biscuits. Gravy, made the right way, or cornbread. "The Box" is Gold, maybe not used at every meal any more. "The Box" is the key to the family. It still gets pulled out for; Christmas, Thanksgiving, canning, and some times just to refresh the memory. When it comes to memory, it is starting to get pulled out more and more. It would be easier to steal the Hope Diamond. Things like "War Cake", from the time of WWII. How about "Dump Cake", or "Banana Cream Pie". Mom had to make 2 of these pies because my father would eat a whole one by himself. No lie.
Banana pudding at Ryan's, Quincy's, or Golden Corral, can't touch "The Box". When I see the commercial with the two little boys and the trash bags. Their mom's recipe for meatloaf, did not come from "The Box". I hear all the time, no one makes so and so, like my mom. She has a "Box". If your kids feed your food to the dog under the table, you need a "Box". How do I get a "Box"? you ask. Well, to start with, it can be a cigar box. If your children are crafty, have them make you a box. OK got a box, go to Walmart, or Office Supply, and get 3X5 cards, 5X8 cards, A-Z 5X8 ID cards.
The 5X8 cards will be for your "The Box". The 3X5 cards will be what you put in your pocket, when you go to your mothers or grandmothers house. You may have to sneak recipes. My Grandmother would not copy it right on purpose, because she was mean. I will be your "Hero" start with Fryed Green Tomatoes, in the July blog, and you are at a great start. When you write down recipes, don't just write what goes in, but write every step. The real secret is in the process (the steps). Dump Cake, is an easy one to start with. If you can't cook, this is the cake for you. Get a sheet cake baking pan, 9X13 and 2" deep. Take a can of crushed pineapple, and a can of cherry pie filling. Pour then in juice and all. Mix it up a little bit,and pour, no sprinkle a box of yellow cake mix over the top. With 2 sticks of margarine, cut 1/4 inch pieces putting on top of cake mix. A cup of crushed Pecans, or Walnuts spread on top of that. Put this in a pre-heated oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Here is a real "The Box" worthy recipe for you.

If it comes out of this, "The Box", then it is going to be good. What we are going make is a friendship cake, and this will help add to your "The Box" that you have made. This recipe will make 3 cakes, one for you, and 2 to share. Where the last cake was fast, and easy. This one takes a month to make. I can hear you saying "What! a month to make a cake"
Get a glass container and put 1 cup of sugar, a cup of peach juice and a cup of pineapple juice no fruit. Stir every day for 2 weeks. This is your starter. After 2 weeks we will start. Pour 1 pint of this starter into a 1 gallon glass jar. Take a 16 oz. can of sliced peaches and juice. Cut the peaches in small pieces, add 2 1/2 cups of sugar. Stir this every day for 10 days, with a wooden spoon. Do Not put in refrigerator. Cover the jar with a plate or cloth, and leave at room temperature. After 10 days add a 16 oz. can of chunk pineapple and juice, cutting chunks into 3 or 4 smaller pieces. 2 1/2 cups of sugar stir for 10 days. The color will change and foaming will happen when stirring. After 10 more days or day 20, take 2 jars maraschino cherries , drain and cut in half. Add 2 1/2 cup of sugar and stir for 10 days. After that 10 days, or day 30 you are ready to bake cakes.
To make these cakes first pour off the juice into 3 pint jars. These are your new starters, keep on a shelf until needed. (Indefinite shelf life)
The fruit put in a large bowl

The ingredients you need are for 3 cakes 1 for you and 2 to give away. 3 boxes of Duncan Hines golden cake mix, 3 small boxes vanilla instant pudding, a dozen eggs, 2 cups oil, 3 cups pecans, 3 cups walnuts, and 3 cups raisins.
We are going to only do each cake, one at a time. Take 1 1/4 cup of your fruit, 1 cake mix, 1 pudding, 4 eggs and 2/3 cup of oil mix with a wooden spoon. When mixed well, add nuts and raisin, continue mixing with your spoon do not use mixer. Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees. Pour your mixture into a greased and floured 10 tube cake pan. Bake in oven for an hour check a little before, a little after an hour with tooth pick. When done let cool and ice with favorite frosting. 1 down and 2 to go.
Now, with a recipe like that you don't just share a cake. Unless you are mean like my Grandmother, you will share my blog with your friends. If you decide to keep my blog as your secret sorce of recipes. Then you can share a pint of starter with them and claim this recipe as your own. The fun in shareing is how your box will grow and become "The Box" the friends and familey want. Keep coming back to my blog for future Southern Recipes at Charles Kenneth's Corner.
today you buy frozen biscuits in the frozen food department. No Hardy's biscuits, the only fast food was McDonald's 15 cent hamburgers, or White castle, but no biscuits. You had to make biscuits. Gravy, made the right way, or cornbread. "The Box" is Gold, maybe not used at every meal any more. "The Box" is the key to the family. It still gets pulled out for; Christmas, Thanksgiving, canning, and some times just to refresh the memory. When it comes to memory, it is starting to get pulled out more and more. It would be easier to steal the Hope Diamond. Things like "War Cake", from the time of WWII. How about "Dump Cake", or "Banana Cream Pie". Mom had to make 2 of these pies because my father would eat a whole one by himself. No lie.
Banana pudding at Ryan's, Quincy's, or Golden Corral, can't touch "The Box". When I see the commercial with the two little boys and the trash bags. Their mom's recipe for meatloaf, did not come from "The Box". I hear all the time, no one makes so and so, like my mom. She has a "Box". If your kids feed your food to the dog under the table, you need a "Box". How do I get a "Box"? you ask. Well, to start with, it can be a cigar box. If your children are crafty, have them make you a box. OK got a box, go to Walmart, or Office Supply, and get 3X5 cards, 5X8 cards, A-Z 5X8 ID cards.
The 5X8 cards will be for your "The Box". The 3X5 cards will be what you put in your pocket, when you go to your mothers or grandmothers house. You may have to sneak recipes. My Grandmother would not copy it right on purpose, because she was mean. I will be your "Hero" start with Fryed Green Tomatoes, in the July blog, and you are at a great start. When you write down recipes, don't just write what goes in, but write every step. The real secret is in the process (the steps). Dump Cake, is an easy one to start with. If you can't cook, this is the cake for you. Get a sheet cake baking pan, 9X13 and 2" deep. Take a can of crushed pineapple, and a can of cherry pie filling. Pour then in juice and all. Mix it up a little bit,and pour, no sprinkle a box of yellow cake mix over the top. With 2 sticks of margarine, cut 1/4 inch pieces putting on top of cake mix. A cup of crushed Pecans, or Walnuts spread on top of that. Put this in a pre-heated oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Here is a real "The Box" worthy recipe for you.
If it comes out of this, "The Box", then it is going to be good. What we are going make is a friendship cake, and this will help add to your "The Box" that you have made. This recipe will make 3 cakes, one for you, and 2 to share. Where the last cake was fast, and easy. This one takes a month to make. I can hear you saying "What! a month to make a cake"
Get a glass container and put 1 cup of sugar, a cup of peach juice and a cup of pineapple juice no fruit. Stir every day for 2 weeks. This is your starter. After 2 weeks we will start. Pour 1 pint of this starter into a 1 gallon glass jar. Take a 16 oz. can of sliced peaches and juice. Cut the peaches in small pieces, add 2 1/2 cups of sugar. Stir this every day for 10 days, with a wooden spoon. Do Not put in refrigerator. Cover the jar with a plate or cloth, and leave at room temperature. After 10 days add a 16 oz. can of chunk pineapple and juice, cutting chunks into 3 or 4 smaller pieces. 2 1/2 cups of sugar stir for 10 days. The color will change and foaming will happen when stirring. After 10 more days or day 20, take 2 jars maraschino cherries , drain and cut in half. Add 2 1/2 cup of sugar and stir for 10 days. After that 10 days, or day 30 you are ready to bake cakes.
To make these cakes first pour off the juice into 3 pint jars. These are your new starters, keep on a shelf until needed. (Indefinite shelf life)
The fruit put in a large bowl
The ingredients you need are for 3 cakes 1 for you and 2 to give away. 3 boxes of Duncan Hines golden cake mix, 3 small boxes vanilla instant pudding, a dozen eggs, 2 cups oil, 3 cups pecans, 3 cups walnuts, and 3 cups raisins.
We are going to only do each cake, one at a time. Take 1 1/4 cup of your fruit, 1 cake mix, 1 pudding, 4 eggs and 2/3 cup of oil mix with a wooden spoon. When mixed well, add nuts and raisin, continue mixing with your spoon do not use mixer. Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees. Pour your mixture into a greased and floured 10 tube cake pan. Bake in oven for an hour check a little before, a little after an hour with tooth pick. When done let cool and ice with favorite frosting. 1 down and 2 to go.
Now, with a recipe like that you don't just share a cake. Unless you are mean like my Grandmother, you will share my blog with your friends. If you decide to keep my blog as your secret sorce of recipes. Then you can share a pint of starter with them and claim this recipe as your own. The fun in shareing is how your box will grow and become "The Box" the friends and familey want. Keep coming back to my blog for future Southern Recipes at Charles Kenneth's Corner.
I loved this post... Charles, my grandmother and my mother and my husband's mother all had these recipe boxes so I did too - mine got so FULL I had to put it into a larger box - it sits on top of the fridge - every time my Mom goes to Florida the "box" is the most important thing (next to her with the dogs) and I remember hours and hours of "copying out" faded recipes onto those clean cue cards for her. I think Mom actually now has three or four of those recipe boxes that sit on a shelf. Mine are in a larger 12 x 8 x 3" decorative box and it is pretty full. I use it all the time for everything that is a favourite - those are the "keeper" recipes and the ones with tweaks and additions to them that we changed and made our own. I have not added to it in a few months but your post has inspired me and I think I will add some more to it !!! Claire