As God, by what ever name you call him or her, looks down at the creation we call Earth. I wonder what thoughts are thought. God by any other name, is he less a God. People fight over what we should call him. In the Bible, it said his name can never be spoken. I make people mad some times, because they say their church, or preacher, is the only one that can get you into heaven. Now you have to know that is not true. Muslim's face Mecca and pray 5 times a day. Jew's face the wall and pray. Christians believe in a man that died on a cross. Scientology believes some one or some thing came from outer space. Even the Native Americans believe in Father Sky, and Mother Earth.
After saying all that, what we have is Earth. Who, or what, is responsible for us being here, I think should be pissed off at what we have done with their gift. Yes; "Gift". We spend Zillions of dollars killing each other. It is no longer Corporate America but the World Corporations. Myself, I realize just how small I am. I started out today talking about how every one is talking about going green. Remembering the environmental movements of the 70's and changes made. When Bush became President, he lowered restrictions, and regulations. Even selling off government, and public lands. When they talk about raising taxes on the rich. They are the rich. The oil spill is a result of the the lowered restrictions. Are we going green? When some thing as small as packaging of the products we buy is ridicules. A bag inside a box inside a box, to get a Popsicle.
To me going Green, would be cutting down less trees. Plastic is made from oil. All the plastic bag are oil. When you buy a TV, all those Styrofoam packing things, are made from oil. Plastic bottles, oil. After these things are made and used, they don't turn back into oil. They are trash. I don't know about where you live, but where I live they just bury it and cover it up. Going Green to corporate government, is to buy a new $30,000.00 car. I don't have it, do you?
"Go Green"
I'm just one person.
"Go Green"
If you are reading this you are another person.
"Go Green"
If you share this, we are a lot of people Going Green, but we have to do a lot of things to change things. One is get people in office who are not corporate. Corporations pay people off to turn their back. Corporations pay people to be quiet. You know if a large company wants to come to your city, or state. They will bring jobs. You tell them you have environmental issues and restrictions. They go to China, or Mexico. Corporate does not care about any thing but money. Today I heard the Corporations are sitting on trillions, and jobs, because of uncertainties.
How stupid is that. That is like if I put $10.00 in gas, I can get a job, but I'm going to keep the $10.00, because I won't get paid till next week.
"Go Green"
Packaging is a real problem!
Why fill a large box with a little food?
What is worse?
For freshness you need a bag, so you but a 1/2 full bag in a box.
Now worse than that!
In the last couple months every thing got smaller!
5 lb Bag of Sugar is 4 lbs
I'm trying to be Green at my house I save aluminum cans and ever 2 weeks or so we have an extra $15, or $20. I take the plastic bags from the grocer back. The cardboard and plastic bottle, I take to the recycle place at our elementary school. The food waste at my house goes outside on the ground. Mixed in the dirt, it will go in next years garden. The things listed above I do, because I want to. If ever body does this it would help, but not near as much as......
cutting down on all the packaging and
Filling up the box!
"Go Green with me"
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